Feb 9, 2011 ha. Hectare; Hektar. HA, Hydrologic Investigations Atlas or Hydrologic Atlas ( USGS). HABS, Historic American Buildings Survey. HAC, Harbor
list of abbreviations in June 1963, but many had three or four the abbreviation for Nebraska, originally NB, Postal Abbreviations for States/Territories. 1831.
"HA". https://www.allacronyms.com/HA/texting (accessed August 23, 2020). Harvard All Acronyms. 2020. HA, All Acronyms, viewed August 23, 2020,
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HA, All Acronyms, viewed February 21, 2021, Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement, or pique. abbr. 1. hectare 2. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,
HA: Highways Agency (England) HA: Health Affairs: HA: High Altitude: HA: Harrow (postcode, United Kingdom) HA: Humanitarian Assistance (US DoD) HA: Humanitarian Assistance: HA: Heritage Area (various locations) HA: Hawaiian Airlines (IATA airline code) HA: Health Advisory
Ha language, the language of the Ha people in eastern Africa; Hausa language, ISO 639-1 code HA; Places. Ha, Bhutan; Hå, Norway; Ha Gorge, Greece; HA postcode area, a group of English postal districts in north-west London; Henan, a province of China (Guobiao abbreviation HA) Science and technology Chemistry. Hahnium, an element now called Dubnium
HA: Hands (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al) HA: Home Alone: HA: Half-Assed: HA: High Authority: HA: Hidden Ability (Pokémon) HA: Homelan Alliance (gaming clan)
%HA. Alabama, Ala. AL.
NounEdit. hectare (plural hectares). A unit of surface area (symbol ha) equal to 100 ares (that is, 10,000 square metres
The hectare (/ˈhɛktɛər, -tɑːr/; SI symbol: ha) is a non-SI metric unit of area equal to a square with 100-metre sides (1 hm2), or 10,000 m2, and is primarily
65 definitions of HA. Meaning of HA. What does HA stand for? HA abbreviation. Possible HA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from …
For HA we have found 500 definitions. What does HA mean? We know 500 definitions for HA abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. We know 500 definitions for HA abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible HA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully. HA Stands For:
For HA we have found 500 definitions. Viewed 11k times 4. 3. A recent story in the New York Times quotes somebody as writing: I want the
Ha translation in English-Latin dictionary. Alternatively, it may have been referred to as "ha-hah" as an abbreviation of "half and half" with half a wall and half a ditch. HA, Haemophilia A. HB, Haemophilia B.
1D, one dimensional. 2D, two dimensional. A wave, atrial wave. Aug 31, 2017 Abbreviation.Don t get confused by assigning the letters abbreviations like A for acid.
abbreviation (2) Definition of HA (Entry 3 of 3) 1 hemagglutinin Different circulating influenza A viruses are identified by referring to two signature proteins on their surfaces. One is hemagglutinin (HA), which has at least 15 known variants, or subtypes.
list of abbreviations in June 1963, but many had three or four the abbreviation for Nebraska, originally NB, Postal Abbreviations for States/Territories. 1831.
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Keywords can be abbreviated. A word in the command matches a keyword if: The spelling is the same. The first letter is the same, and the
What does HA stand for? List of 1.2k HA definitions. Updated July 2020. Top HA abbreviation meaning: High Altitude. List page number 2